Human research

VCU is committed to the integrity and quality of our research as an essential component of human research protections.

VCU offers clinical research resources to assist you before, during and after conducting your clinical research. 

Human Research Protection Program/Institutional Review Board
Regulatory affairs
A vital part of making safe and effective healthcare products available to patients.
Investigational Drug Services
Wright Center
The C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research

The Human Research Protection Program applies to the institution and all entities relying upon the institution and includes program governance, quality assurance and reporting as well as the oversight over any local ethics board operations.
The big lens of institutional responsibilities sets the standards for quality and evaluates the changing environment

Institutional Review Boards provide the ethics reviews which the HRPP relies in accordance with federal, state and local/institutional standards. The HRPP has oversight of the local IRB (e.g., VCU Panel A) and oversees the use of external IRBs.
Focus on individual protocols and participant protections

Regulatory affairs is established via a partnership hub located in the OVPRI. The hub helps to connect expertise across the institution in the design of long-range regulatory strategies (e.g., long-range planning for institutional intellectual property, data security, rights and responsibilities, and submission to regulatory agencies for future clearances or approvals.
The strategy

Investigational Drug Services at VCU Health provide research-only pharmacy services to clinical studies that include investigational medications on the Medical College of Virginia (MCV) campus, as well as study dispensing oversight and guidance for VCU Health satellite pharmacy locations.
Provides access to investigational product

The C. Kenneth and Dianne Wright Center for Clinical and Translational Research leads the development of research training, standards, quality and opportunities for the communities we serve. The Wright Center fosters research collaborations across the state and accelerates the translation of scientific discoveries to patient care.