HRPP policies and guidance
HRPP Toolkit
The HRPP Toolkit library is a set of documents primarily for use and reference by the Human Research Protection Program (HRPP), IRB staff, and IRB members. The research community is encouraged to review the documents that may pertain to their studies, including the standard operating procedures for consent processes and documentation (HRP-090, HRP-091).
- HRP-001 - SOP - Definitions (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-012 - SOP - Observation of consent process (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-013 - SOP - Legally authorized representative (LAR), children, and guardians (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-020 - SOP - Incoming items (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-021 - SOP - Pre-review (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-023 - SOP - All emergency use, compassionate use (device only) and individual patient expanded access (drug only) review (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-024 - SOP - New Information (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-025 - SOP - Investigations (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-026 - SOP - Suspension or termination issued outside of convened IRB (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-027 - SOP - All emergency use, compassionate use (device only) and individual patient expanded access (drug only) post-review (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-030 - SOP - Designated reviewers (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-031 - SOP - Non-committee review preparation (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-032 - SOP - Non-committee review conduct (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-040 - SOP - IRB meeting preparation (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-041 - SOP - IRB meeting conduct (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-042 - SOP - IRB meeting attendance monitoring (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-043 - SOP - IRB meeting minutes (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-044 - SOP - Not otherwise approvable research (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-050 - SOP - Conflicting interests of IRB members (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-051 - SOP - Consultation (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-052 - SOP - Post-review (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-060 - SOP - Annual evaluations of the HRPP (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-061 - SOP - Quarterly evaluations of the HRPP (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-062 - SOP - Daily tasks (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-063 - SOP - Expiration of IRB approval (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-064 - SOP - NIH genomic data sharing (GDS) institutional certification (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-065 - SOP - Response plan for emergencies-disasters impacting the HRPP (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-070 - SOP - IRB records (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-071 - SOP - Standard operating procedures (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-072 - SOP - IRB records retention (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-080 - SOP - IRB formation and registration (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-081 - SOP - IRB removal (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-082 - SOP - IRB membership addition (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-083 - SOP - IRB membership removal (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-084 - SOP - IRB meeting scheduling and notification (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-090 - SOP - Informed consent process for research (rev. 11/7/24)
- HRP-091 - SOP - Written documentation of consent (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-100 - HRPP Toolkit table of contents (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-103 - Investigator manual (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-103p - Investigator manual - Single IRB review of multi-site research (pSite) (rev. 11/12/24)
- HRP-104 - Brochure - Should I take part in research? (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-105 - Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) Food and Drug Administration (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-501 - TEMPLATE MINUTES (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-502 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-503 - TEMPLATE PROTOCOL (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-503a - TEMPLATE SBS PROTOCOL (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-503b - TEMPLATE NHSR (new toolkit document as of 2/29/24; rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-504 - TEMPLATE LETTER - School permission to conduct research (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-506 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Emergency use or compassionate device use (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-507 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Short form (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-507 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Short form (Spanish) (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-507 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Short form (Chinese) (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-507 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Short form (Arabic) (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-507 - TEMPLATE CONSENT DOCUMENT - Short form (Vietnamese) (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-508 - TEMPLATE Site supplement to sponsor protocol (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-509 - TEMPLATE - Veteran Administration (VA) minutes supplement (rev. 7/14/23)
- HRP-811 - FORM - Basic site information (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-812 - FORM - Site continuing review (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-813 - FORM - Site modification (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-814 - FORM - Site reportable new information (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-815 - FORM - Institutional profile (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-816 - FORM - External IRB study update (rev. 11/21/24)
- HRP-301 - WORKSHEET - Review materials (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-302 - WORKSHEET - Approval intervals (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-303 - WORKSHEET - Communication of review results (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-304 - WORKSHEET - IRB composition (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-305 - WORKSHEET - Quorum and expertise (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-306 - WORKSHEET - Drugs and biologics (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-307 - WORKSHEET - Devices (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-308 - WORKSHEET - Pre-review (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-309 - WORKSHEET - Ancillary review matrix (rev. 3/27/24)
- HRP-310 - WORKSHEET - Human research determination (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-311 - WORKSHEET - Engagement determination (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-312 - WORKSHEET - Exemption determination (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-313 - WORKSHEET - Expedited review (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-314a - WORKSHEET - Criteria for approval (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-315 - WORKSHEET - Advertisements (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-316 - WORKSHEET - Payments (rev. 10/23/24)
- HRP-317 - WORKSHEET - Short form of consent documentation (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-318 - WORKSHEET - Additional federal agency criteria (rev. 10/9/24)
- HRP-319 - WORKSHEET - Limited IRB review (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-320 - WORKSHEET - Scientific or scholarly review (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-321 - WORKSHEET - Review of information items (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-322 - WORKSHEET - Emergency use (rev. 11/26/24)
- HRP-323 - WORKSHEET - Criteria for approval humanitarian use device (HUD) (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-325 - WORKSHEET - Device compassionate use (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-326 - WORKSHEET - Performance evaluation for IRB chairs (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-327 - WORKSHEET - Performance evaluation for IRB members (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-328 - WORKSHEET - Performance evaluation for IRB staff (rev. 3/22/24)
- HRP-330 - WORKSHEET - HIPAA authorization (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-331 - WORKSHEET - FERPA compliance (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-332 - WORKSHEET - NIH genomic data institutional certification (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-333 - WORKSHEET - Certificate of confidentiality (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-351 - WORKSHEET - Protocol-specific emergency-disaster risk mitigation plan (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-352 - WORKSHEET - Additional emergency-disaster review considerations (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-401 - CHECKLIST - Pre-review (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-402 - CHECKLIST - Non-committee review (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-410 - CHECKLIST - Waiver or alteration of consent process (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-411 - CHECKLIST - Waiver of written documentation of consent (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-412 - CHECKLIST - Pregnant women (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-413 - CHECKLIST - Non-viable neonates (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-414 - CHECKLIST - Neonates of uncertain viability (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-415 - CHECKLIST - Prisoners (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-416 - CHECKLIST - Children (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-417 - CHECKLIST - Cognitively impaired adults (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-418 - CHECKLIST - Non-significant risk device (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-419 - CHECKLIST - Waiver of consent process for emergency research (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-430 - CHECKLIST - Investigator quality improvement (rev. 3/1/24)
- HRP-431 - CHECKLIST - Minutes quality improvement (rev. 2/1/24)
- HRP-441 - CHECKLIST - HIPAA waiver of authorization (rev. 3/1/24)
A compiled pdf version of the entire HRPP Toolkit is available upon request. Reach out to to request the compiled pdf.
Use the Human research quick start guide tool for a customized list of resources to assist with your IRB submission.
Submit your study to the IRB/HRPP through RAMS-IRB.
Guidance to investigators using or planning to use Juul products in their research
As of July 5, 2022, Juul products are not allowed to be marketed or sold in the US. This will impact investigators using or planning to use Juul products in their research. These investigators should read the guidance document and take appropriate action based on the document.
Special guidance
- CoCs for NIH-funded research: Since 2017, NIH-funded research meeting specific criteria are automatically deemed to have a Certificate of Confidentiality.
- CoCs for research not funded by NIH: The NIH continues to consider requests for Certificates of Confidentiality for specific projects that are not funded by NIH but are considered to be within the NIH mission. Reference: FDA CoC guidance (v. September 2020)
- Log in to eRA Commons
- Carefully complete questions about the project and project CoC eligibility. Use the following information for questions 11-15:
Virginia Commonwealth University
800 East Leigh Street; Suite 3000
Box 980568
Richmond, Virginia 23298-0568
United States of America
Name of Institutional Official*: Lisa R. Ballance
Email of Institutional Official*:
Phone of Institutional Official*: (804) 827-2267
- VCU policy: Research data ownership, retention, access and security
- VCU Technology Services askIT website, including information about the following resources:
- University resources such as survey tools and FileLocker
- Software Center for data analysis programs
- RedCap survey and database tool, a free web-based tool for VCU researchers to securely conduct internet surveys and store research data
- VCU Technology Services Data Management System website
- VCU Technology Services Records Management website
- OHRP guidance on withdrawal of subjects from research: Data retention and other related issues
- FDA guidance on data retention when subjects withdraw from FDA-regulated clinical trials
- IT policies, standards, baselines and guidelines
- NIH Genomic Data Sharing website
- NIH points to consider for IRBs and institutions
- NIH policy for sharing of data obtained in NIH-supported or conducted genome-wide association studies
The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes conditions under which covered entities, including the VCU affiliated covered entity can provide researchers access to and use of Protected Health Information (PHI). The rule is not intended to impede research. However, it does provide for specific ways that PHI can be accessed and used by researchers as well as defines how individuals have control over their health information when they are research participants.
HIPAA forms and templates
See the IRB forms page.
VCU IRB’s guidance for researchers
- Understanding HIPAA and Research at VCU (pathways to access & use PHI)
- Decision Tree 1: Determining When HIPAA Applies to Research
- Decision Tree 2: Determining Pathway to Use PHI for Research
- Decision Tree 3: Review of PHI for Recruitment
Additional guidance for researchers
- Informed consent tips (OHRP website)
- Informed consent checklist (OHRP website)
- Informed consent evaluation instrument for assessing whether an individual is able to provide consent for their own participation in research
- VCU’s informed consent templates
- E-Consent comparison: REDCap vs. DocuSign
Infographic comparing two methods of obtaining e-consent — REDCap and DocuSign
- Comparison of different methods of obtaining consent signatures remotely
Compares different methods of obtaining and documenting consent remotely and provides examples of options for common scenarios - Video: Re-consenting in research involving children
15-minute video covers the topic of obtaining re-consent from children who reach the age of majority while participating in a research study - OHRP decision chart 13: When can informed consent be waived/altered?
- OHRP decision chart 14: Can documentation of consent be waived?
- Considerations and recommendations concerning internet research and human subjects research regulations, with revisions (approved by SACHRP, March 2013)
- "Research Ethics in the 2.0 Era: Conceptual Gaps for Ethicists, Researchers, IRBs," a presentation by Michael Zimmer to SACHRP
- "Internet Research Ethics and IRBs," a presentation by Elizabeth Buchanan to SACHRP
- VCU IRB’s guidance on identifying screening activities that involve human subjects
- VCU IRB's guidance to researchers on cold calling recruitment methods
- VCU IRB's guidance to researchers on social media recruitment methods
All research studies must follow the VCU outgoing sponsorships, advertising and endorsement policy. The most important requirement in this policy is to submit your advertising via a request form to primarily ensure that research recruitment advertisements are brand compliant. Consistency in visual identity and language is critical in building VCU’s brand awareness which in turn, lifts all individual marketing efforts.
Form for submitting ads: Request to advertise
Style guides and assets: Brand identity
Direct any questions about this policy or its requirements to the Division of University Relations: VCU Brand Identity Office at
- VCU Office of Procurement Services: Compensate a research or survey participant step by step
- VCU summary of payment methods for non-employees and employees
- VCU procurement payment forms
Determining if an activity is research and/or quality improvement can be challenging. Federal regulations require human subject research to reviewed and approved by the IRB, while strictly QI activities do not require IRB oversight. However, some QI activities may also be research and, therefore, need IRB approval. Please review the following guidance to determine if your activity likely needs IRB approval PRIOR to beginning the activity.
Once you've used these determination tools, if you have questions about whether your project is human subject research that needs IRB approval, please contact the Human Research Protection Program at
NOTE: If you need documentation from the IRB that your activity is not research or does not involve human subjects, use RAMS-IRB to submit a request for a determination. Learn how on our blog.
- 45 CFR 46: DHHS Human Subjects Regulations (the Common Rule)
- 21 CFR 50: FDA Protection of Human Subjects Regulations
- 21 CFR 56: Institutional Review Boards
- 21 CFR 312: Investigational New Drug Application
- 21 CFR 812: Investigational Device Exemptions
- Office of Human Research Protections guidance
- FDA clinical trials guidance documents
Federal and State Resources for Human Research
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) |
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Human Subjects |
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) |
Department of Defense (DoD) |
National Science Foundation (NSF) |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
World Health Organization (WHO) |
Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) |
National Institutes of Justice (NIJ) |
Indian Health Service (IHS) |
Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) International Compilation of Human |
United States Federal Register Federal policy for the protection of human subjects in research |
Virginia State Code |
Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) |
- Guidance on the use of coded data/specimens
Use this interactive tool to determine if your use of secondary coded data or specimens requires IRB review. NOTE: Use of this tool does NOT constitute an official IRB determination. It is intended as a resource for investigators to gain the understanding and vocabulary needed to communicate project details effectively to the IRB. If you require an official letter from the IRB with a determination of Not Human Subjects Research, you must submit an NHSR Request in RAMS-IRB.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, "Registries for evaluating patient outcomes: A user's guides" (4th ed.)
- Registry of patient registries: Project overview
- ORSP webinar slides: "Understanding data registry setup and maintenance policies"
- The Honest Broker at VCU: Provides robust anonymized data for researchers from a broad number of resources. For more information about Honest Broker Services, please contact Cancer Informatics Core or Tamas Gal, Ph.D., director, at (804) 628-2123.
- Registry tracking template
- Registry reg binder tabs for PIs
- SACHRP honest broker
- Registry request process
- PI request flow
- PI data input flow
- Data use agreement for use of limited data set
- Adaptable registry request form
- Adaptable data contribution request form
- Honest broker guidance
Study conduct toolkit resources are being updated and will be posted as soon as they are available. Contact with any specific requests for resources.
Self-evaluation tool
Conflict of interest requirements
The term “conflict of interest” refers to situations where financial or other personal considerations may directly and significantly affect, or have the appearance of directly and significantly affecting, a researcher’s professional judgment in research conduct. Unaddressed conflicts of interest impact research integrity of the investigator and the university.
Initial reviews
Prior to issuing approval for any initial submission to the IRB, a conflict of interest review must be completed. The COI review may occur concurrently with IRB review, but IRB approval cannot occur until it is determined that no conflicts exist or any conflicts have been acceptably managed.
Investigators should ensure all of the following are completed to help make certain the COI review does not delay IRB approval.
Designate in the Personnel section in RAMS-IRB any research personnel who fulfill the definition of a COI investigator.
*COI investigator – Any individual, regardless of title, role or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research. Individuals with such research responsibilities may be, but are not limited to, senior/key personnel, sub/co-investigator or subrecipient investigator, medical investigator, collaborator, consultant, student, trainee or research coordinator. Exceptions include students or other personnel whose research activities are directly supervised. By considering an individual’s degree of independence relative to the research, the PI on the protocol designates those who meet the definition of COI investigator.
See the COI page for more information about designating COI investigators.
- All personnel designated as COI investigators must complete a Financial Interest Report in the Activity and Interest Reporting System. Click here to access AIRS.
Continuing reviews
At the time of continuing review, the IRB will check to ensure that all COI investigators have updated their FIR within the past 12 months. Approval for continuing review will be held until all FIRs are current.
Personnel amendments
When adding personnel who are designated as COI investigators, a COI review will be completed for each prior issuing the IRB approval for the personnel addition. All new COI Investigators should complete a FIR in AIRS prior to submitting the amendment to the IRB.
Initial reviews
Even though an external IRB will review the study, VCU will still conduct a conflict of interest review for each initial submission. The COI review must be complete and a final disposition provided before the Human Research Protection Program will authorize submission of the study to the external IRB. Any conflicts that are found will be managed jointly between VCU and the external IRB.
Investigators should ensure all of the following are completed to make certain the COI review does not delay IRB review.
Designate in the personnel section in RAMS-IRB any research personnel who fulfill the definition of a COI investigator.
*COI investigator – Any individual, regardless of title, role or position, who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research. Individuals with such research responsibilities may be, but are not limited to, senior/key personnel, sub/co-investigator or subrecipient investigator, medical investigator, collaborator, consultant, student, trainee or research coordinator. Exceptions include students or other personnel whose research activities are directly supervised. By considering an individual’s degree of independence relative to the research, the PI on the protocol designates those who meet the definition of COI investigator.
See the COI page for more information about who is a COI investigator.
- All personnel designated as COI investigators must complete a Financial Interest Report in the Activity and Interest Reporting System. Click here to access AIRS. The submission will not be forwarded to the external IRB until all FIRs are complete.
Continuing reviews
VCU will not conduct ongoing COI reviews for studies sent to external IRBs. However, investigators are responsible for ensuring all COI investigators update FIRs as required by COI policies.
Honest broker
Honest Broker Guidance
This page provides information about how to become a certified honest broker and how the investigator obtains permission to use a certified honest broker system.
- An honest broker is a neutral third party who is not part of the research team in any way. The honest broker cannot be one of the study's investigators, study coordinators, or statisticians and cannot serve as a co-author on any publication.
- Honest Broker Systems are set up for divisions, departments, clinics, labs, etc. Multiple honest broker systems exist throughout VCU and VCUHS.
- Wright Center Honest Broker Services; please contact or Tamas Gal, Ph.D., director, at (804) 628-2123,
- VCU and VCUHS honest broker process
- An Honest Broker is a VCU/VCUHS Team Member who conducts Data Curation for research purposes in accordance with VCU and VCUHS policy. An Honest Broker is a neutral third party who is not part of the team for a particular research study (i.e., is not one of the investigators, study coordinators, statisticians, or data analysts on a research study). An Honest Broker for a study may not be a co-author on any publication for that same study.
How to request permission to use a certified honest broker:
- The investigator wishing to use an honest broker system should contact the honest broker system and request honest broker services for their research study. The investigator and honest broker should work together to determine if the honest broker system is able to provide the data/samples that the investigator would like.
- To initiate a request for access to Health System Data for research, a VCU or VCUHS employee, medical staff member and/or credentialed provider, or faculty member who wishes to access Health System Data for research (the “Investigator”) will submit the Research Data Application found at
- The Honest Broker must agree to provide services and sign the Honest Broker Attestation form, and the Honest Broker Assurance can be found at
- The investigator thensubmits to the VCUHS Privacy Board and the IRB and provides the signed Honest Broker Attestation form in their RAMS IRB submission to the IRB.
- An honest broker must be approved and listed on a certified honest broker system before that system can be referenced and the broker named.
- The IRB submission must also be approved before the honest broker can begin providing services to the investigator.
- Data Use Agreement for Use of Limited Data Set
If you have any questions, email
How to become a certified honest broker:
- The VCU and VCUHS honest broker process is listed here: The honest broker application must be completed, signed, and submitted to the IRB for both the IRB and VCUHS Privacy Officer to review and approve. Refer to the application form and Research Honest Broker VCU Health System Authority and Affiliates Policy.
- Only team members with VCUHS Privacy Office credentials may function as Honest Brokers. To obtain and maintain credentialing, a team member must:
(1) be appointed by VCUHS or a VCU department to serve as an Honest Broker,
(2) attend all required training sessions, and
(3) execute the Honest Broker Attestation.
- All Honest brokers must complete CITI Research Ethics and HIPAA training before accessing the data. The required training is listed in the VCUHS Research Honest Broker policy.
- Any listed honest broker (on an honest broker system for VCU records/data) who is not a VCU or VCUHS Employee must document how they are a part of the VCU or VCUHS workforce and have a VCU or VCUHS employee as a supervisor.
- Failure to comply with this policy and procedure may result in suspension of the Honest Broker's access to health system data and disciplinary action.
How to access VCU Health System policies
All clinical research team members conducting research involving VCU Health System must familiarize themselves with VCU Health System policies and procedures related to clinical research and abide by them throughout the clinical study.
- VCU Health System policies and procedures may be accessed via VCU Health System intranet (VCU Health System credentials are required for access). Learn how to request access.
- Login to the VCU Health System intranet policies and procedures
- Click on “Policy Manager” to review VCU Health System policies
Links to the VCUHS Honest Broker Certification Process documents
- VCU/VCUHS Honest broker attestation Can be found on the VCU Health System Intranet
- Research data application (for VCU and VCUHS investigators) Can be found on the VCU Health System Intranet